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MAROCLEAR proceeded on May 06, 2019 to a failover of its operational activities on its backup site.


On May 3, 2019, MAROCLEAR failed all its operational activities over to its backup site, simulating total unavailability of its Headquarters under real conditions.


To do this, this failover required the effective move of all the resources necessary for business continuity to the back-up site, namely:


- all the components of the business platform; - telecom networks;
- logistical means
- the necessary human resources.


This Failover exercise allowed us to test the resilience of MAROCLEAR’s business continuity, and thus comply with the most demanding standards, recommendations, stakeholder expectations and business continuity best practices.


Faced with all the aforementioned constraints, thanks to the strong involvement of all the teams and the mobilization of all the necessary technical and logistical means, MAROCLEAR not only smoothly failed over to the backup site, but also managed to process all the operations on its back-up site, all this in the common SLAs and fully transparent to its affiliates.


Thus, our Institution confirms its ability to ensure the continuity of its services and to control the risks inherent to its activities of systemic importance. At the same time, this exercise allows MAROCLEAR’s business continuity systems to mature and can be considered an important step towards the certification of the MAROCLEAR Business Continuity Management System (ISO 22301).