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Dematerialization of Securities

Maroclear launches Securities Dematerialization Service for non-listed companies

Dematerialization of Securities

What is the dematerialization of securities?

The dematerialization of securities is the abolition of the physical representation of the securities or the register of the company’s (issuer’s) shareholders, and its replacement by an book entry in electronic format at Maroclear via its Depositary.

Who can dematerialize their securities?

All (LLCs) companies of the Moroccan economy without any size restriction.

Why dematerialize?

Because the dematerialization of titles raises companies to the best international standards in terms of governance and management. Today it is an essential attribute for a modern, competitive and ambitious company.

What are the advantages of securities dematerialization?


Lower risk of loss, theft, destruction, forgery and errors


Visibility of the company on the radars of international investors thanks to an ISIN code


Automatic management of securities transactions (example: dividend payments)


Decrease in the company’s ecological footprint thanks to the paperless approach


Reduced management and administration costs

Comment une entreprise peut-elle dématérialiser ses titres ?
